Event details

This groundbreaking event focuses on innovations in urgent and emergency care to pioneer excellence in critical times. This is a new annual event from National Health Executive to bring together those involved in the collective mission to enhance the delivery of urgent and emergency healthcare services.

We’re going to be focusing on system-level resilience, preventing admissions, enabling quicker patient discharge and emergency transport across the range of panel discussions and keynotes.

Over the course of this event, we will explore the latest advancements, best practices, and transformative approaches that are reshaping this aspect of patient care. 


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  • 08:55 AM - 09:25 AM

    Ambulances and Patient Transport

    The panel will delve into optimising the efficiency and effectiveness of ambulance services and patient transport systems within the NHS. Experts will discuss strategies to reduce response times, improve coordination, and integrate advanced technologies such as GPS tracking and telehealth to enhance patient care during transit. Topics include the management of high-demand periods, the role of non-emergency patient transport services, and collaboration with other healthcare providers to ensure seamless patient transfers. Attendees will gain insights into policy developments, operational best practices, and future innovations to strengthen ambulance services and patient transport networks.


    Paul Chandler
    Paul Chandler Deputy Director, Net Zero Travel & Transport NHS England

    I lead the new Net Zero Travel & Transport team at NHS England, formed in October 2020. The team will deliver a range of long-term and complex projects, including:

    Development of zero emission emergency ambulances for mass deployment across the NHS

    Work with a range of other Government departments and organisations to develop and deploy the refuelling infrastructure required to support zero emissions vehicles across the NHS

    Develop data and analytical tools to support NHS organisations to assess the carbon intensity of its existing vehicle fleet and the relative lifecycle costs of moving to lower emission alternatives.

    Support the delivery of zero emission non-emergency patient transport services (NEPTS) across the NHS.

    Encourage and support ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEV) and zero emission vehicles in the provision of other NHS services and logistics.

  • 09:35 AM - 10:05 AM

    System-level Resilience & Surge Planning

    This panel will explore strategies to enhance the NHS's ability to manage increased demand and unexpected crises. Experts will discuss the development of robust frameworks for system-level resilience, focusing on scalable resources, cross-sector collaboration, and the use of predictive analytics to anticipate and respond to surges in patient volumes. Key topics include optimising bed management, improving staff allocation, and leveraging technology to ensure continuity of care. This panel aims to provide actionable insights into creating a more adaptable and responsive healthcare system capable of withstanding future pressures and ensuring high-quality patient care.


    Robert Salter
    Robert Salter Consultant Innovation Scientist Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board

    Elaine Gilliland
    Elaine Gilliland Program Director Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust

    Transformation Lead, Innovator, Strategist, Chair, CEO

  • 10:40 AM - 11:10 AM

    Virtual Wards - Preventing Admissions

    Here thought leaders will explore the implementation and benefits of virtual wards in the NHS, a model designed to deliver hospital-level care at home. This innovative approach leverages digital technology and remote monitoring to manage patients with acute conditions, reducing hospital admissions and alleviating pressure on physical wards. Experts will discuss the impact of virtual wards on patient outcomes, healthcare efficiency, and system resilience. Key topics include the integration of telemedicine, patient and caregiver engagement, and strategies for scaling virtual ward programmes. Attendees will gain insights into best practices and future directions for expanding this transformative model of care.


    Stuart Nuttall
    Stuart Nuttall Consultant in Emergency Medicine Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

    Stuart Nuttall ED Consultant at Leeds Teaching Hospitals since 2011, Clinical Lead for PCAL and the Ops centre and involved with the development of the Trusts SDEC services over the last 3 years.

  • 11:45 AM - 12:15 PM

    Facilitating Quicker Patient Discharge

    This discussion will address strategies to streamline the discharge process in NHS emergency and urgent care settings, aiming to improve patient flow and resource utilisation. Key leaders will discuss innovative approaches such as enhanced discharge planning, multidisciplinary team coordination, and the use of digital tools for real-time communication and patient tracking. Topics will include reducing delays, ensuring safe transitions to home or community care, and leveraging community resources to support discharged patients. Attendees will gain insights into best practices and policy initiatives that can expedite discharge processes, enhance patient outcomes, and alleviate hospital overcrowding.


    Carol Munt
    Carol Munt Patient Partner & Advocate

    Lived Experience Partner, Advocate, Public speaker
    Doubleday Affiliate Manchester School
    NHS England Experience of Care Team - Co-Production
    NHS Leadership Academy Experience of Care partner,
    National Steering Group: Maximising Leadership Learning in the Pre-Registration Healthcare Curricula
    HQIP Service User Network,
    Q community,
    Beryl Institute Global Experience Measuring Team

    Previous experience
    Co-Chair NHS Thames Valley Patient Experience Operation Group and member of,
    NHS Thames Valley SCN Oversight Group,
    Health Education England Thames Valley Partnership Council,
    Oxford AHSN Clinical Innovation Adoption Group & Oversight Group
    National AHSN Network of Networks.
    Physician Associate Joint Project Team (University of Reading),
    Reading Borough Council Carers Group.
    Dementia Handbook for Carers and Care Providers editorial team

  • 12:50 PM - 13:20 PM

    Urgent & Emergency Care Recovery

    This discussion will address the critical challenges and innovative solutions in restoring and enhancing urgent and emergency care services within the NHS. With emergency departments seeing a 9% rise in attendances in 2023 compared to pre-pandemic levels, and ambulance response times increasing by an average of 11 minutes, the need for effective recovery strategies is clear. The recent £1 billion funding package aims to alleviate these pressures by supporting the integration of technology, boosting workforce resilience amid a 10% staff shortage, and streamlining patient care pathways. Key leaders will discuss these topics, providing insights into policy changes, best practices, and future directions for a sustainable recovery.




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